Vision & Mission
Sustainable societies are ones where the voice and rights of every individual are assured.
Sustainable development will deliver on this vision for this and future generations.
- Balance power
- Promote peace on a platform of assured rights
- Redefine growth
- Move beyond incremental change toward transformative change
- Establish the validity of qualitative measurements
- Encourage resource productivity
- Encourage new models of decision making
- Move past the limitations of Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Precautionary Approach and Polluter Pays
- Externalities must be identified and internalised
- Sustainability of society must serve to enhance the voice and rights of it’s members
- Quantitative measurement enforces a rigidity of direction and entrenches short-term horizons
- Growth is in transition (
- Sustainability is currently about transition, about reversing unsustainable trends
- Transformative change happens when system becomes subordinate to sustainable development agenda
Foresight & Transition Management
- Transitions are structural societal changes resulting from interacting cultural, economic, technological, behavioural, ecological or institutional developments.
- Transitions provide a key for achieving a more sustainable and innovative society.
- Need to avoid tipping points & irreversible environmental and social impacts
Human Rights Perspective
- John Ruggie – protect, respect, remedy framework (
- State duty to protect
- Corporate responsibility to respect
- Access by victims to effective remedy
Climate Change Perspective
- Rising stress on water and productive land
- Food security and widening disparity
- Estimated population growth of 2.3 billion additional people by 2050
- Policy talks on mitigation are vitally linked to the right to development
Digital Democracy & the MDGs
- The forces of globalism are increasingly overwhelming the rights of ordinary citizens and the public commons
- Mobile phones enable information flow supporting a range of endpoints
- Improved Governance helps address
- Uncertainties
- Complexities
Water Management in Watersheds
- Unites cities and their associated regions
- Connects political and natural jurisdictions
- Natural quasi-closed system enables carrying capacity calculations
Urban Sustainability
- Cities are fundamentally unsustainable and must be viewed in a regional context
- Ecosystem services
- Population projections
- Employment
- Food etc consumption needs
- Management of uncertainties
Urban Sustainability
- Cities are fundamentally unsustainable and must be viewed in a regional context
- Current urban forms do not necessarily offer flexibility in the face of looming uncertainties such as climate change and economic downturns
- The long-term costs of servicing sprawl should be brought into decision making
Energy Perspective
- The sun provides essentially unlimited amounts of accessible energy
- The cost of energy embedded in all aspects of our economy fuels poverty and creates division
- Ongoing human existence requires a new, less wasteful but still vibrant economy
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